Guests will receive this letter upon check-in. Plus we will have large 24x36 posters throughout the event area with this letter as well as QR codes for the Event Itinerary, DJ Set Times, and Menu (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and late night). So you can always stay informed of any changes etc...... 19th Annual Purgatory Party Weekend Your hosts with DesirousParty.com would like to welcome you and say thank you for joining us at the Doubletree IAH for Purgatory 2024. QR codes are listed above for the event's full itinerary, artist timeline, and food menus. You may purchase and/or pick up your event wristbands at the check-in event desk in the lobby. Wristbands must be worn all weekend so please do not remove them. You must have a drink ticket to purchase drinks at the bars in the event areas. You may pay by cash, c.c. or charge to your room. Drink ticket cashiers are centralized throughout the event areas. ***No drinks can be brought into the pool/event areas. You may leave the pool/event area with a drink but it must be empty to return. Even if you bought it at the event bar. As there is no way for security to keep up with so many people on who had what. No backpacks, bags, etc in event areas. Please note the pool is only open during the pool party hours. Please QR for the schedule. The pool area will be under maintenance (heavy shocking) in the off hours.
Please Note: Ladies, due to state TABC laws and the City of Houston, you may not be topless in the pool. This includes pasties only. A top (even sheer) must be worn over the pasties in the pool. So itsy bitsy is fine but please keep all appropriate areas covered while in public, as well as when roaming the halls, elevators etc.. Please be courteous to hotel staff and be properly clothed. However, what you wear or do not wear behind closed doors is for your own enjoyment. For the night events, we realize risqué is the theme. Pasties only are okay as well as skimpy attire. We will have a coat check set up outside the event entrance area for those not staying at the host hotel. Once again your hosts with DesirousParty.com thank you for joining us at what has become a nationwide event for the upscale, sophisticated, and sexy to meet in Houston for a weekend of fun. If you have any questions, our staff will be happy to assist you. Now let's make some incredible memories this weekend and welcome to Houston.