Join DesirousParty for Parties, Trips, and Profiles

Exclusively for Real Adult Lifestyle Couples and Single Females in Texas and the United States.

You must read the member Terms of Use agreement before joining the site.

Community Stats (Last Week)
Photos Uploaded130
Photos Rated Hot408
Members Validated0
Messages Sent451
Event RSVPs15

By creating an account on you will be able to mingle online with other like minded couples and single females in a discreet and private manner. TRY THE SITE FOR FREE FOR 7 DAYS TO SEE WHAT DESIROUSPARTY.COM MEMBERSHIP IS ALL ABOUT. 

Who Can join

  • Couples and Single Females
  • Single Males are not allowed to join the site!
  • Those who are at least 18 years of age

What is on the member side of the site?

  • Real couples/Single Females Profiles. Every profile/photo is approved by admin and fake profiles are weeded out. 
  • Private and exclusive for the whose who LS couples of society. 
  • Event RSVP- Instant Connect-  Feature with Other Members who have RSVPed to same event.
  • A Site that does not worry about numbers as we are geared toward couples who are looking for the hottest and sexiest lifestyle couples in the U.S. So quality versus quantity. 
  • Create a detailed and descriptive profile is you so desire
  • Ability to meet couples and single females from around the world.
  • Members Map to show who is around you in your area. 
  • Advanced member search features to help find who you are looking for. 
  • 100% of the profiles are couples and single females. No single males.
  • A discrete Lifestyle members site who primarily range in age from their 20's to their 60's. 
  • All profiles have photos. No profiles without at least one photo. 
  • Create a detailed and descriptive profile. 
  • Post public and private photos in multiple photo galleries
  • Vote and be rated in the Hottest Photos Section of the Site
  • View other member photos, leave comments, rate HOT photos and more. 
  • Give and receive validations
  • Follow other members to contribute to your and their newsfeeds
  • Ability to post comments and photos in your newsfeed.
  • Group Trips and Events that are some of the largest in the U.S.
  • Post comments to the forum as well as create topics
  • Create and host house parties that your followers are invited to.
  • See our Q n A section in the top menu bar for more answers to many common questions.

How private is my information?

Only other members can view your profile and you control your profile settings to make your profile as private and discreet as you wish to be. You can also specify which members you want to have access to your private photos as well as follow you and contribute to your newsfeeds.

How long does membership approval take?

Once new members have validated their email address and uploaded a master public photo they are approved within 24 hours.

How much does a membership cost?

Our monthly membership rate is only $9.95/month and we also have discounted 3 months and 1-year membership plans as well for $4.50/month.


Desirous Party Parties for Lifestyle Couples and Swingers
Desirous Party
Lifestyle Adult Couples Swinger Social Media site
Affiliated with Dirty Vibes
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