PLEASE CAREFULLY REVIEW THE TERMS OF USE OF THIS SITE. As your use of the site will indicate your acceptance of these terms, do not use the site if you do not agree to be bound by these terms. We may periodically change the terms, so please check them from time to time as your continued use of the site signifies your acceptance of any changed items.
Disclaimer: This website contains adult material. You must be over 18 to enter or 21 were applicable by law. All Members and models on this website are over 18 years of age.
No part of Desirousparty.com may be reproduced in any way, or by any means, without the prior written permission of Desirousparty.com. Use of any index or listing of Software for the purpose of constructing a mailing list, creating promotional materials or producing a printed or electronic catalog of any kind is expressly forbidden without the prior written permission of Desirousparty.com. You must be at least 21 years of age to view this website.
Subscriptions via Modern Lifestyle
Any charges through our payment processor Modern Lifestyle will read ML Ticketing on your cardholder statement.
Subscriptions via CCBill
Any Charges through our payment processor CCBill will read CCBill.com *Desirous Party* Note: ML Ticketing is our new c.c. processor and only memberships from four years ago are still processed through CC Bill.
Profiles on the Site:
The site is for real couples and single females. Profiles with fake photos (copies off the internet, old photos of a girlfriend and no longer a couple etc...) are violations of the site and will be removed with NO refunds given. If you create a profile as a married couple and or a dating couple. If you as a couple split up and the female wishes to and requests that her photos be removed from that profile. Regardless who pays for the profile,whose email it is under etc.... the photos will be removed. If the profile remaining on the site is no longer valid. Meaning that the profile is in essence a single male profile. Then that profile will be deleted from the site. Irregardless of any remaining time it has left on its payment activity. NO refunds are given. If the male requests that his photos be removed and the female party has control of the profile. Then the male photos will be removed and the profile may remain as single females are allowed on the site. If a profile is removed from the site and the couple gets back together at a later time then the profile can be recreated by that couple. However no credit is given in regards to activity time remaining from the previous profile. Meaning if you have six months left of activity on the old profile, you do not get that time credited to your new account. You must create a new payment account. We try to treat this straight forward and this is starting to become a common occurrence. So we try to respect everyones privacy and wishes. While at the same time maintaining the profile rules of the site as well.
If you have a active paid membership on the site. If all photos are removed from the profile then the profile is considered a inactive profile that does not meet membership guidelines. If the profile is not brought up to the status of an approved profile that meets membership guidelines then that profile is removed from the site and no refunds are given. Every active profile on the DesirousParty.com site must have at least one approved photo that meets master photo status that can be used for the avatar of the site for that profile.
Profiles that harrass other members, send hate messages to other members, spam other members etc... are not tolerated on the site. A written warning will be given and on the second occurrence then the profile will be removed from the site and no refunds are given nor are they allowed back on the site.
2257 Ordinance
Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., does not produce any content with sexually explicity content. All other visual depictions displayed on the site are exempt from the provision of 18 U.S.C. sections 2257, 2257A, and 28 C.F.R. 75 because said visual depictions were not produced directly by Desirous Party Enterprises, LLC or were created prior to July 3, 1995.
We take a strong and definite stand against child pornography and only publish images of consenting adults for consenting adults. If you see any images, real or simulated, depicting minors within the Service, regardless of the type of image, please report it immediately to info@desirousparty.com. Our policy is such that even if children are innocuously present in a photograph, such as in the background at a beach or as part of a family, we do NOT want it displayed on this site; so please report this to us as well. Please include the location of the image(s) to help us hunt them down. All reports will immediately be investigated and appropriate action will be taken. We enthusiastically cooperate with all law-enforcement agencies, as well as private organizations, in investigating and prosecuting child pornography.
If you suspect any websites are participating in unlawful activities involving minors, please report them immediately to www.asacp.org and to www.fbi.gov.
Desirous Party asks that parents supervise their children while online. No information should be posted by minor children.
1.1 Eligibility. You must be eighteen or over to register as a Member of or use this Site. Membership in the Site is void where prohibited. By using and/or viewing this site, you represent and warrant that you have the right, authority, and capacity to enter into this Agreement and will abide by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, that you are at least 18-years old (21-years old in AL, MS, NE, WY, and any other location where 18 is not the age of majority) and are interested in and wish to have access to visual images, verbal and written descriptions and audio sounds of a sexually oriented nature. The materials, which are available within this Site may include graphic visual depictions and descriptions of nudity and sexual activity and should not be accessed by anyone who is younger than 18-years old (21-years old in AL, MS, NE, WY, and any other location where 18 is not the age of majority) or who is offended by such materials or who does not wish to be exposed to such materials.
By using and/or viewing this Site you represent and warrant the following:
A) That you are an adult, at least 18-years of age (21-years old in AL, MS, NE, WY, and any other location where 18 is not the age of majority).
B) That you will not permit any person(s) under 18-years of age (21-years old in AL, MS, NE, WY, and any other location where 18 is not the age of majority) to have access to any of the materials contained within this Site.
C Free and Member Access
Many things on DesirousParty.com are free, such as seeing event postings on the main page as well in the parties/trips sections, reading Forums and viewing public accessible party photos in the galleries. DesirousParty.com reserves the right to change the pages, rights and features accessible for free without notice. Other pages, rights and features require a membership to the site and may be subject to subscription fees. Signing up for a paid account is optional, and all such paid accounts will be automatically set up on a one time membership fee or an auto-billing basis that will bill your credit card on the anniversary date of your upgrade, per the cycle you chose (e.g. monthly) until such time as you cancel your account. There are no partial refunds for cancellations and terminations prior to the next billing cycle, however any such cancellation or termination shall end any future billings; there are no minimum terms. Furthermore, if your account is terminated due to any violation of this Agreement, or of any violation of other DesirousParty.com policies, you agree that there are no refunds for such terminated accounts. You acknowledge that DesirousParty.com reserves the right to change its fees from time to time in its discretion. If DesirousParty.com terminates your account because you have breached the Agreement, you shall not be entitled to a refund of any unused portion of fees. Your right to use profile membership portions of the Service is subject to any limits established by us. If payment cannot be charged to your credit card or other payment issuers or your charge or payment transaction is returned to us or rejected for any reason, we reserve the right to either suspend or terminate your access and account. Deleting any account will permanently delete all email, followers, photos, blogs, text and other Content you had in your profile.
D) That you understand that when you gain access to this site, you will be exposed to visual images, verbal descriptions and audio sounds of a sexually oriented nature, which may include graphic visual depictions and descriptions of nudity and sexual activity. You are voluntarily choosing to do so because you want to view, read and/or hear the various materials which are available for your own personal enjoyment, information and/or education. Your choice is a manifestation of your interest in sexual matters which, you believe, is both healthy and normal and which, in your experience, is generally shared by average adults in your community. You further represent and warrant that you are familiar with the standards in your community regarding the acceptance of such sexually oriented materials, and the materials you expect to encounter are within those standards. In your judgment, the average adult in your community accepts the consumption of such materials by willing adults in circumstances such as this which offer reasonable insulation from the materials for minors and unwilling adults, and will not find such materials to appeal to a prurient interest or to be patently offensive.
E) That you further represent and warrant that you have not notified any governmental agency, including the U.S. postal service, that you do not wish to receive sexually oriented material.
F) That you represent and warrant that you have not and will not use and/or view the Site in a restricted location - namely a place, country, or location in which doing so would, or could be deemed a violation of any law, regulation, rule, ordinance, edict or custom.
G) You warrant that, if you are a police officer, government investigator or agent of any kind, you are registering as a Member, using the Site, and are present at any DesirousParty.com event only in your private, individual capacity. You warrant that if the foregoing statement should prove to be false, you are investigating any of the Members or management of the Site without disclosing your official capacity or purpose, and that your presence at any DesirousParty.com event, is an entry into private premises without consent, in violation of the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution;
you further warrant that you are attending at the direction of your employers and are acting within the scope of your employment. You stipulate that an appropriate amount of liquidated damages for the illegal taking of evidence or invasion of privacy which embarrasses the Member or which results in legal process, civil or criminal, against any of the Members is $100,000 per intrusion, which reflects a reasonable estimate of probable compensatory damages for loss of privacy, including humiliation, emotional distress, necessity to pay legal fees, loss of employment or advancement, and other injuries, the amount of which is uncertain. This amount shall be awarded to each Member or management against whom the investigation is targeted or against whom civil or criminal process is brought, including execution of a search warrant. A final award under this subparagraph shall not prevent a subsequent proceeding if charges are thereafter filed against a Member, but the first award shall be an offset against the later award.
H) You represent that, if you are a member of the press (including television & radio), you are registering as a Member, using the Site, and are present at any DesirousParty.com event only in your private, individual capacity. You warrant that, if the foregoing statement proves to be false, you are here at the direction of your employers and are acting within the scope of your employment; that you are violating the rights of the Members to privacy under common law and the U.S. Constitution, and that an appropriate amount of liquidated damages for any published report made which portrays or describes the activities of any Member is ten dollars ($10) times the number of readers or viewers of any medium which publishes the report, which reflects a reasonable estimate of probable compensatory damages for loss of privacy, including humiliation, emotional distress, necessity to pay legal fees, loss of employment or advancement, and other injuries, the amount of which is uncertain. This amount shall be awarded to each Member named in the report or described in such a way as to permit identification of the Member by application of the description to publicly available information.
COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK. Unless otherwise noted, all materials on this site are protected as the copyrights, trade dress, trademarks and/or other intellectual properties owned by Desirous Party and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates or by other parties that have licensed their material to Desirous Party.
Your use of the materials included on this site is for informational purposes only. You agree you will not distribute, publish, transmit, modify, display or create derivative works from or exploit the contents of this site in any way. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Desirous Party for any and all unauthorized uses you may make of any material on the site. You acknowledge the unauthorized use of the contents could cause irreparable harm to Desirous Party and that in the event of an unauthorized use, Desirous Party shall be entitled to an injunction in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity.
Do not use the internal messaging system to promote products, services or unapproved events. We consider this as spam and it will not be tolerated. Using the messaging system for such purposes will result in a ban from the DP site.
You agree you are and shall remain solely responsible for the contents of any submissions you make, and you will not submit material that is unlawful, defamatory, abusive or obscene. You agree that you will not submit anything to the site that will violate any right of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy or other personal or proprietary right(s).
While we appreciate your interest in Desirous Party, we do not want and cannot accept any ideas you consider to be proprietary regarding designs, product technology or other suggestions you may have developed. Consequently, any material you submit to this site will be deemed a grant of a royalty free non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, display, transmit, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from and distribute these materials throughout the universe in any medium and through any methods of distribution, transmission and display whether now known or hereafter devised. In addition, you warrant that all so-called "moral rights" have been waived.
Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., web sites contain links to other third party websites. Please note that when you click on one of these links you are clicking to another web site. Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., has no responsibility for anything on any web site to which you link. Desrious Party allows other companies, including, but not limited to, third-party ad servers and ad networks, to serve advertisements within Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., web sites. These third-party ad servers and ad networks use technology to display the advertisements and links that appear on Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., web sites. They automatically receive your IP address when this happens. They may also use other technologies (such as cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons) to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and to geo-specify the advertising content you see.
If you click on any advertisement and visit a non Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., web site. You should review the privacy policies of these web sites for more information on their practices. Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., privacy Policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of, any such web sites.
For an explanation of Desirous Party practices and policies related to the collection, use and storage of our online guests' information, please read our Privacy Statement. For information about the security of your ordering information and credit card number while shopping on Desirous Party.com, please refer to our Privacy & Security FAQs.
Desirous Party does not guarantee that the functions contained in the site will be uninterrupted or error-free, that this site or its server will be free of viruses or other harmful components, or that defects will be corrected even if Desirous Party is aware of them.
Please remember that what you write or publish on our site is visible to the public and that the information can be seen by others. Even password technology is not perfect and may fail or be hacked from time to time. We act only as a distributor and do not censure information or moderate the Service (though we may take action when notified of content which is illegal or in violation of the Terms of Use Agreement). When you make information available on DesirousParty.com you do so at your own risk.
Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., uses commercially reasonable technical safeguards to preserve the integrity and security of your personal information. We cannot, however, ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to, or publish on the Service and you agree that you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your publication or transmission of information or Content, Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., makes commercially reasonable efforts to secure our systems. However, please note that this is not a guarantee that such information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards.
If Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., learns of a security systems breach, then we may attempt to notify you electronically so that you can take appropriate protective steps. Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., may, but is not obligated to, post a notice on our web sites if a security breach occurs. Depending on where you live, you may have a legal right to receive notice of a security breach in writing. To receive a free written notice of a security breach you should notify us by emailing info@desirousparty.com
International Users:
Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., web sites are hosted in the United States and are intended for and directed to Users in the United States. If you are a User accessing Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., web sites from Europe, Asia, or any other region with laws or regulations governing personal data collection, use, retention, and disclosure that differ from United States laws, please be advised that through your continued use of the Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., web sites, which are governed by U.S. law, this Privacy Notice, and our Terms of Use Agreement, you are transferring your personal information to the United States and you consent to that transfer.
In the Event of Sale, Merger, Acquisition, or Bankruptcy:
In the event that DesirousParty.com is acquired by or merged with a third party entity, we reserve the right, in any of these circumstances, to transfer or assign the information we have collected from our Users as part of such merger, acquisition, sale, or other change of control. In the unlikely event of our bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, receivership, or assignment for the benefit of creditors, or the application of laws or equitable principles affecting creditors' rights generally, we may not be able to control how your personal information is treated, transferred, or used.
Policy changes
If we decide to change this Privacy Policy we will post changes here in the form of an updated Privacy Policy. This ensures that by checking here frequently all users are informed about our information gathering practices, how we might use that information and whether it will be disclosed. Your continued use of the Service and of any Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., web site constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Notice and any future revisions.
Contacting Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., .
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, or our Terms of Use Agreement, you can contact: Desirous Parties Unlimited Inc., at info@desirousparty.com