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Websites The DesirousParty Site- Ideas,Changes, Suggestions- Working on New Site

Nov 8, 2012 9:17 AM (11+ Years)
Just a quick update on the new site. Much like a custom built house this one is taking some quality time. We decided to delay it until the end of the year as we decided to scrap a few old features for something better and uniquely different. As mentioned before this is not a cookie cutter site put together by someone in another country. Which many of the sites out there are now done that way. Which we understand as its cheaper but it makes them look like all of the others. Everything is being done in house with features that will keep our members online as they are getting constant instant feedback from updates, picture posts etc... Plus with unique member preference settings where you control who sees what on your profile.
We are also going to let other clubs join the site. However it will be up to you to decide if you wish to get updates, notifications, event invites etc.. from those clubs. Plus there will be a events page where all events, trips etc... will be posted. However only the main page of Dp will be sanctioned Dp events. Meaning that Dp is in full control of those events covering the themes, venue, Dj's etc...So if you attend a event posted on the main page it will be the same fun quality events that you have come to know and expect over the years.
But lots of very cool new features are on the horizon with a brand new website. We are getting very excited as we know you will love the new look. Not everyone likes change but this is a very good change that will enhance your enjoyment on the site.
Aug 22, 2012 6:20 PM (11+ Years)
Just a quick update on the site. We created quite a list of new features for the members profile section of the site. Then we thought of more cool features that we wanted to add. Then we decided to add a club section where clubs can have profiles and only solicit members who want emails/updates from that certain club. Then we decided to add a travel section where you can select from dozens of group trips/cruises that we think would cater to the Dp crowd. Are you starting to notice all the "thens". lol  So with all of the new additions and the need to have all of these features to flow together and perform flawlessly. We dumped a bunch of new coding on our web designer. So we are pushing back the launch date to Halloween week. As there is no need to rush a product out that is not done or will not work as designed. But we are creating a new site that will be a very addicting and by that we mean that you will not want to log off as it will be continually updating right in front of your eyes. You read that correct. It will be automatically refreshing without you having to go to separate screens or refreshing the page. We still have a few more surprises that we are adding to the new site and we will just hold off on those as it will be a great surprise. 
Jul 20, 2012 1:36 PM (12+ Years)
Done and done, lol. Members will have the preference to view the forum in either order. Working on photo section now. Members will be able to upload a batch of photos at once. Plus move them around in whatever order they desire, create albums, have comments and several other options as well.
Jul 20, 2012 11:52 AM (12+ Years)
Oh okay and I will see what we can do. Hopefully we can do a preference and give each member a choice on how they want to view it.
Jul 20, 2012 9:47 AM (12+ Years)
This is something we are looking at doing and or give the member a preference option. Either way you have to scroll down to either read the new post or scroll down to see what started the post and the other comments.
Jul 19, 2012 7:25 PM (12+ Years)
New site is progressing along nicely. Implementing lots of the ideas already mentioned in this forum topic. If you do not see something posted here and you think about something that would be cool to add to the site. Please let us know as we will see if its possible. We are doing our best to create a user friendly site with tons of features that will become your new addiction. lol
Jul 14, 2012 5:46 PM (12+ Years)
We just added a new feature to the current site for members. You now have a new updated search feature. Where you can search for members closest to you and or also by their category. This was just added in the last week and we will expand on this with the new site with all of the new categories that will be coming. So try it out if you are wanting to meet some new faces.
Jul 11, 2012 11:57 AM (12+ Years)
This is the first feedback we had on these two apps. So now we know that they will not work on a temporary basis. As for as FB goes. FB is a billion dollar company who have web techs writing code 24/7. Dp site was created in 2003 before iphones. FB has basically done what we are going to do and created a app that will allow your iphone to upload pics. As apple does not support many things as they keep a tight control of all of their features so they will not be stolen and copied and apps had to be created to support features where they will work on all sites.  The way our current site is coded it would be very time consuming to code in this app and take away from the timeline for the new site. Thus with the new site we will code in the new app where iphones, ipads etc.. will sync in and you will be able to upload your pictures. 
Jul 11, 2012 8:27 AM (12+ Years)
We did some research and found a software application that we will be adding to the new site where those will IOS devices will be able to see the browse button and upload pictures. Also it is rumored that the new fifth version of the Iphone will also solve this problem. As apple as decided to play nice with the rest of the world and is uploading the software to the new phone as well. So you will now be able to do many of the surfing features as those of us with the Android devices now do.
With our new coding the I.M. features of the site will work in a more efficient manner as well.
Jul 9, 2012 3:33 PM (12+ Years)

you can create your own "app like" icon and add itto your home screen (via iPhone). It's kinda like having a DP app. Open your DPprofile while in safari (make sure you are logged in), click on the little boxwith the arrow pointing out (bottom of Safari) and select "add to homescreen". Bam. App/Shortcut for any safari page that's easy to click and brows.:)

Jul 9, 2012 11:17 AM (12+ Years)
Can't wait for the new site - sounds like its going to awesome ....
Jul 9, 2012 10:52 AM (12+ Years)
Had a question about current validations and your profile photos switching over to the new site. The answer is yes and you will be able to make separate albums for your profiles. Plus you will be able to switch the order of the photos without deleting and reloading them. You will also have the option to let others comment on each photo as well as rate them if you so choose. Our members site will have a rate point system if you choose to use it. The more active you are on the site the more you will get seen. You will also have a rolling comment, point of view section you can choose to let others see and comment on as well. All of these plus a ton of other options will be in your member preference section. So you can turn on and off what you choose to use. We have  several other cool features that we are working into the new site but keeping those quiet for now as it will be a good surprise.
May 3, 2012 7:26 AM (12+ Years)
Great idea and we will add it to the list.
Apr 13, 2012 9:57 PM (12+ Years)
Also just so everyone knows. We are also working on a new I.M. feature with the new site. As this one will be coded to work efficiently with the new features. The chatroom is also on our list of to do's as well. Not many people use the chat room so its a feature that will take a backseat to many of the others but it will eventually be reworked as well.
Apr 10, 2012 7:52 AM (12+ Years)
Well the time has finally come. Last night we viewed the new members profile section template. It is laid out very nicely and instead of cramming a whole bunch of info on one template. It is actually a two in one type of feature. Our members will actually be able to designate themselves on several playing levels and explain it in detail also. This will go for the guys and gals as some couples do not have the same playing rules. You and your friends will be able to keep up with each other as they move throughout the site during the day. Meaning rsvping for parties, making comments on others profiles, pictures etc.... As you will be able to make comments on their page as well. All of this will be displayed on the master home page (members log in page) as well as the individuals profile page.
Plus your photo gallery will now be totally different. You will be able to organize your pictures in galleries that you create at will. With the new site you will have quite a few more search options looking for that certain couple and or couples. There will be a first generation site launched and then upon how we see the site is accepted. We will start working on second generation options (features) to add to the site. Meaning that we will listen to members feedback and continue to add more features, tweeks etc.. The site will have some very unique features that you have not seen anywhere else. We looked at numerous social media sites that were non lifestyle and created some unique ideas that would make the Dp site different. We still have a few more tweeks before the coding starts. But our goal is to try and launch by Purgatory weekend as that would be a good test for the site. As we know that the site is going to have to be test driven per say, max out the rpm and see if the tires fall off. lol Because everything works great when a few people are on the site but when you have thousands at one time that is when glitches start showing up.
As we get a few more features worked out we will keep you updated with the latest and greatest.
Jan 20, 2012 10:56 AM (12+ Years)
As  you can tell from the poll requesting your computer monitor size. We are proceeding with the changes to the site. I would use the word upgrade but that would give you the wrong impression. As I prefer to use the word demolish and start from the ground up. We are covering all the important basics just like you would do in constructing something. As without a good foundation the upper stories of a house are worthless. So please take a few seconds to participate in our polls whenever you see them on the site. Our first and utmost concern is reconstructing the members profile side of the site. Adding many new features and then begin to build around those areas outward. In the meantime there is no concern as the current site will continue as you currently see it.
Dec 9, 2011 8:47 AM (12+ Years)
We sat down this week with the web designer and presented our ideas for the new Dp site. We incorporated your suggestions plus many more that we have been thinking about for the last two years. It was a great meeting as he had already jotted many of the same ideas and expanded on them. I, Mr. Dp, hate cookie cutter anything and that was my main adjective for the meeting. I wanted unique, creative and to continue on with what has made Desirous Party a name known globally. Then I wanted to go Tim Allen, "tool time" and add more power, pizazz and take this site to the next level. lol
Overall it was a great meeting and when we finish its going to be a very interactive site. We are still a few months out with the first phase and we are still interested in your ideas. But let me put a few rumors to rest. We have no desire to be like everyone else. The site will stay couples and single females only. We will continue to approve all pictures and we will continue to be uniquely different. Meaning that the member master public photo guidelines will stay the same. This site has always been about class, upscale and sophistication and will continue to be just that. We are now going to give you alot more features to take a walk on the wild side. You just will now have alot more options on who gets to see that wild side whether it be in picture form, verbal descriptors, i.m.. Say stay tuned as things are going to be alot more hands on in the very near future.
Nov 21, 2011 5:32 PM (12+ Years)
Love the ideas and keep them coming as we are jotting them all down.
Nov 21, 2011 12:25 PM (12+ Years)

Im sure there are a ton of other features people would love to have on the site but the only thing that I can think is more of a functional feature. It would be cool if we could move from picture to picture without having to click on the picture icon. An handy little arrow button would work nicely.

Nov 20, 2011 11:17 PM (12+ Years)
Bringing this forum topic back to the forefront. We have collected quite a few suggestions over the last two months. But we continue to want to get everyone's suggestions. We find it quite amusing when people send us other's negative opinions on the Dp site on how it does not have such and such features like the other sites.
Dp was never meant to be like the other sites. Heck it was never intended to be nothing more than a information site on the parties and group trips that we host. But after getting disgusted on what we found on other sites profile databases. We started adding more and more features and have amassed one of the sexiest data base of profiles compared to any of the other sites. So its time to rebuild the site, add more features and continue to be unique. While continuing to be a site for couples and single females only who are uniquely different and stand out in the crowd. By doing this we have couples from across the U.S., Canada, Europe and abroad who have joined the Dp site. These couples typify what the Dp site stands for which is why we want your opinion on what to add and what you think would make the site stand out even more. As its no fun to log onto a site and only find one attractive couple out of every 50 or so if you are lucky. So no matter where you are at in the lifestyle or just liking the party scene that we offer. We want to bring to you a very interactive site that builds upon what we have created over the years.
So if you have ideas let us know. They just dont have to be lifestyle related. Do you want to stream music on the site? Do you want to access the weather from the site? Do you want stock news from the site? Do you want different societies that you can choose to join or decline? More interaction that would keep you online longer and more involved. Perhaps photo contests, profile of the day, etc... let us know.

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