<< DP Parties - Purgatory Heaven & Hell® 2024

Purgatory Heaven & Hell® 2024 Q n A for Purgatory, Heaven & Hell®, 2024

Jul 16, 2024 1:17 AM (7+ Months)

Can't make it to the party. Have a room Wed thru Sun in the main hotel.  Reach out if you want to take it at half the cost.

Jul 13, 2024 1:25 PM (7+ Months)

Sorry for not seeing this earlier. Been without internet since Monday and limited cell service since Monday. But yes both hotels have power. Pre Con was done Thursday and we are ready to go. We start loading in on Monday morning for our stage build outs. 

Jul 12, 2024 12:09 PM (7+ Months)

Great news!!!

Jul 12, 2024 10:23 AM (7+ Months)

K just called the hotel and they confirmed the power is back on.

Jul 11, 2024 5:48 PM (7+ Months)

Did you get any update from the hotels on eta of power ?

Jul 10, 2024 12:55 PM (7+ Months)

Both hotels are fine. Electricity has not been restored as of yet but that is the majority of Houston. But spoke to the hotel yesterday and all is well. I have a 1 pm pre-con at the hotel tomorrow to meet with the hotel management team for a walk thru on final prep. So we are all set on moving forward as the normal timeline for us each year. 

Jul 8, 2024 4:41 PM (7+ Months)

Any word on if the hotels were effected?

Jul 2, 2024 10:24 AM (7+ Months)

It will be long gone by then it's projected to make landfall Sunday...

Jul 1, 2024 4:36 PM (7+ Months)

The one that's out right now has a possible trajectory for heading towards Houston if the high pressure system rises. We'll know more about it by end of the week

Jul 1, 2024 4:24 PM (7+ Months)

What Hurricane are you referring to? We are still 16 days away and I have not seen a storm forecasted for around that time. 

Jul 1, 2024 3:13 PM (7+ Months)

Is there any backup plan in case the hurricane takes a turn into the path of the takeover?

Mar 4, 2024 10:00 AM (11+ Months)

Purgatory, Heaven & Hell®, 2024 -The Who, The What, The Why, The Whole Enchilada

Read further for some Q&A on Purgatory. Plus other forum topics are posted for specific aspects for this years event. 

We get quite a few questions asking what is Purgatory every year from first time guests. This themed party weekend was suggested to us 19 years ago by some good friends. Over the years we have evolved from a club event,  to a partial hotel event and now a full hotel takeover event with a over flow host hotel as well. 

So what is Purgatory, Heaven or Hell party weekend? First and foremost we are not making a religious statement. We like to call Purgatory weekend a Summer Halloween style event. Pool parties and mixers amping up the energy leading into the main events each night. Take the idea of the popular lingerie fashion show with angel or devil wings added in, then think all things you might see in Purgatory such as unicorns, fairies, devils, angels in all states of dress or undress. It's four nights of adult costumed erotica and nothing is to tame or to wild. 

Along with our Halloween Erotica Ball, Purgatory has become a signature event for DesirousParty.com and has greatly expanded with our new production brand, DirtyVibes.com. The party starts from the moment you set your bags down in your room. We spread the guest across multiple event areas. So be sure to check out the itinerary as your favorite dj's will be spinning in all event areas. All making up the ingredients for a epic weekend. So make plans to join the hottest couples from across the U.S., here in Houston for Purgatory, Heaven or Hell weekend. 

Now let's begin because we know you want to know all about Purgatory weekend.


 For the fifth year in a row we return to the DoubleTree IAH hotel...with the Sheraton hotel across the sreet being our overflow host hotel. 

Everyone will get a welcome letter upon checking into the hotel. On the letter we will have some do's and don'ts. We just ask everyone to basically use common sense (not being sarcastic) and remember that this is a corporate hotel and we will have to abide by their rules, city and state laws. Meaning no nudity in public places. What goes on behind closed doors is to your own level of fun. You cannot be topless in the pool, ballroom etc.. If you are roaming the halls please remember to cover up to some degree. The hotel understands what style of party this is, the themes etc...They know we are there to party and let our hair down so to speak over a great weekend of fun. We will have a coat check at the event check in desk for those not staying at the hotel. Pasties are acceptable as part of your attire in the ballroom.  As is full body paint, tape art etc..  Skimpy bathing suites are fine but please be covered over the nipples and lower genitalia. The hotel understands that the parties start early and go late. Just please remember to cover up to some degree when in public places such as the elevators, lobby area, esplanades etc..As hotel employees will be cleaning up, sanitizing etc...and we want to respect their privacy also.
One last foot note is the after parties. We let everyone in the group blocks host their own after parties if they so desire. We bring to you multiple great events over several days/nights and we let you decide on your own after parties and your own level of fun. We have found that this works best as the guests can amp up his or her own late night fun with whom they desire.  No one likes to have that intrusive couple barging into the fun in the so called "after parties". 

Basic Rules before the Q n A.

Alcohol Policy: There will be cash/credit bars at all events. You can also charge to your room this year. Meaning you will need to purchase drink tickets from the cashiers. No outside drinks past the black curtain which is the access to the event areas. You can leave with a drink but you cannot come back in with a drink. ........have a question please email info@desirousparty.com 

Music: See DesirousParty.com or DirtyVibes.com for a full list of djs and their times. 

Play Areas: We let guests make their own play areas in their rooms. Hence the group blocks to amp up the after party fun. 

Camera Phones:  Please be respectful of others privacy. So do not take photos with other guests in the background. We will have photo  booths in the grand foyer for guests to use free of charge also. 

Event Video Crew: We will have a video crew capturing the dj's, capturing sexy bodies from the shoulders down. All faces if captured on video will be blurred. A polite NO and they will not capture your image. 

Question/concern that have been brought up.......... All DesirousParty/Dirty Vibes events are high end events with a very high end guest lists. Meaning professional careers and this is a discreet non public event with people who do not want their faces all over social media accounts. So Zero photos/videoing of the crowd outside at the pool or in the ballrooms. If you wish to take a photo/video of yourself or group. Then please do it off to the side with no one in the background. There will be a staff videographers/photographers this year. Tbey will ask consent to take pics and video. All faces will be blurred as all photos and videos are on the two sites. So please show respect for others as we all will greatly appreciate it.

Event Rules: Below are basic rules for the event to be used as guidelines for conduct.

  • Desirous Party never shares guest information with anyone, so please ask guests directly for their contact information about the party.
  • Please respect the venue at all times by keeping it clean and picking up after yourself. If you have an accident, please do your best to clean up, and/or notify staff to help you
  • All guests should respect the dignity of others. No violence or rude conduct toward a guest or staff will be permitted.
  • This event is for couples and single females only. Couples must arrive together in order to receive wristbands. 
  • No means no, so if someone tells you no, you need to respect this decision.
  • Please ask for the consent of others before touching.
  • There is a no-tolerance policy against drugs or prostitution.
  • No cameras, cell phone camera or recording devices are permitted for use. Desirous Party will have special photographers on hand for event photos. All photos will be blurred as well which is a standard policy of Desirous Party. 
  • Overly intoxicated guests will be asked to leave the party area or will be denied entrance.
  • DesirousParty employs licensed Police Officers who are there for your safety. They are not there to ruin your party fun. Just simply to ensure your safety and assist staff if the need arises. 

Now the Q n A- 

Q: Are the guests cliquish?

A: This is the number 1 question I have been asked and commented on in my 20 plus years in hosting LS events. No matter your appearance, your nationality, your sex etc.... some people are just shy. They hang with a group that they may know, met online, chatted with at the event etc..... With over 1400 people at these large LS events we always have conservatively a 30-40% new crowd. Purgatory as well as the Halloween Erotica Ball has couples attending from every state in the U.S...., Canada, South America and the U.K......Not everyone knows each other. I always tell people that a smile and a hello goes a long way in meeting new people. Also remember this is a Lifestyle event. At the very minimum the guests are open minded or they would not be there. But not everyone is there for the Lifestyle aspect part of it. They may be there just for the sexiness/energy of the event, the themes, to watch their significant other dress sexy, to just meet a few other cool new friends to hang with, etc..... As we cater to all walks of the lifestyle. So when you see a small group of people talking don't assume they all know each other or don't want to know/meet you.  Perhaps they just met. Smile, say hello and mix mingle.

Perfect meeting spots are the lounge bar, the large foyer between the three stages, the daytime pool bar area etc.... Stages get loud so people move t hose areas so they can meet others. Oh and check out the new Netherworld Lounge bar located at the end of the foyer near the pop up boutique. Open Thursday thru Saturday nights and a quieter area to have a great conversation. 

Q: Wow, such beautiful people on the videos. They have to be models?

A: No we do not hire models as everyone are party guests. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But everyone in our party crowd goes the extra mile to take care of themselves. Some do it thru their dress, their appearance, a smiling face, fitness, a out going personality etc.... It is called Desirous Party and we all go the extra mile to stand out in the crowd in our own way. 

Q: Do we have to get a hotel room to attend the events. 

A: No you do not have to get a hotel room to attend any of the events. However the room floors are for hotel guests only. If you are not staying at the hotel then you do not belong on the hotel room floors. We offer the room blocks as it amps up the weekend fun. So we create a total hotel party weekend where all events are held at the hotel. Guests can mix n mingle all weekend long. But if you wish you can attend one or all events and come and go. 

Q: Is this a BYOB event. 

A: No, as the hotel follows TABC and City of Houston laws. We will have cash/c.c. bars set up at each event.. Full bars will be set up in all event areas. 

So no outside food/beverage allowed into the event areas. Hotel has given us some incredible drink prices and this allows them to make their money so we are allowed to host these events at their facility. Which is very unique for our party group as in the State of Texas it's very hard to get such a warm welcome from a upscale hotel who loves to cater to our crowd. Normally its sub par venue hotels. So we are lucky. 

Q: What is the dress code for the pool parties and night time events. 

A: Itsy bitsy bikinis, scrunch bottoms etc.. are great for the pool parties. Just keep those tata'a covered. No pastease at the pool as they come off in the water. For the night time events you can dress as little as thongs, pasties and wings. Just keep the naughty parts (lol) covered. If roaming the hallways, elevators just stay covered of some sort as we do not freak out the hotel staff. Body paint is also perfectly fine. Just make sure those parts are painted. We have a video to watch to get an idea along with last years party photos to get an idea what to expect. But the sexier the better. 

Q. Can I buy tickets to only one event?

A: Yes you can. Please see cover charge section in event party info.  Door prices for single events will be updated closer to the event.

Q I am a single male and do not see ticket prices for such.

A: Gentleman must have a date for this event. So couples and single females only. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Q: How do I pick up my party wristbands?

A: Starting at 8pm on Wednesday event door staff will be there to issue event wristbands.  Both parties have to be there to get wristbands.  As staff puts on all wristbands after ID's are verified. Purgatory door staff will be set up at the lobby entrance all weekend. . 

Q: Can I get bottle service for the night time events.

A: Yes, the hotel has a special bottle service form. You may pick one up from the event registration desk or request one from info@desirousparty.com

Q. Can we bring our pool chairs into pool party area. 

A: No, as there is not enough pool deck space to accomodate the crowd and chairs also. 

Q: Can we be nude or topless in the pool.

A: Texas TABC alcohol laws prohibit this along with corporate hotel policy. Itsy bitsy skimpy bikinis are fine. Pastease under see through or mesh tops is fine. Pastease in the ballrooms is also fine. Just cover up to and from your rooms and we will have a robe or coat check at each event. Body painting is also fine as long as all intimate areas are painted over etc..... Please watch the last few videos of Purgatory and you will definitely see that less clothing is perfectly fine for this event. 

Q. Will there be a pool party?

A: Yes, we are hosting a pool party on all days starting with Wednesday afternoon.  

Q: Can nipples, butts, topless be shown?

A: No nudity is allowed. Please cover up until you get to the event areas. A coat rack is outside the event area. Pasties, bra, thongs etc... are ok inside the event area. But no nudity. For the pool parties it is the same. Itsy bitsy is ok but nipples must be covered. Pastease only in the pool area is not allowed. A sheer bikini top over your pastease is ok. While in your bikini and going back inside the hotel. Please grab a towel as a courtesy to hotel staff or air crew who might be mingling about in the lobby area. 

Q: Can we make song requests to the dj's. 

A: No song requests are accepted on Purgatory weekend. Requests make it virtually impossible to build the energy and its like selecting songs from a juke box as its all over the place. We want to give everyone a great experience, ambiance and vibe. At night you will have two ballrooms with different music genres to pick from. During the day the experience is like a Las Vegas/Miami pool party. Meaning you will hear a little bit of all the music genres. People are mixing, mingling, dancing pool side etc...Thank you for understanding and the dj's will watch the dance floor and audience to make sure that people are dancing either on the dance floor or where they stand as the party progresses. 

Q: How do the guys dress for the night time main events. 

A: If not dressing in theme. Please dress to impress. This is a upscale, fun and very sexy event. Treat it as you are going on a nice night out on the town at a fancy restaurant or a club venue. No flip flops, gyms shorts, ragged out jeans, dirty worn out tennis shoes, uncollared t shirts that are not theme related are allowed. Getting lots of questions so this is pretty specific. One entry/exit point for night time events and staff will be strictly enforcing dress codes. If you have questions then please ask here, PM and or emai info@desirousparty.com  Plus log onto the DesirousParty.com site and look at last years and previous years party videos and party photos. 

Q: Are people cliquey at Purgatory as we are new to the scene?

A: We have people attending from all over the country as this has become a norm for our bigger events during the year. So its hard for people to be cliquey as so many people are new, perhaps meeting for the first or second time etc........Hence why we do mix n mingles, pool parties etc... before the main events. We suggest to go talk to people, mix n mingle and meet some new great people from all over the globe. Your Dp staff cannot wait to meet everyone and will be wearing STAFF shirts during the day. So if you have questions then please stop us and ask. 

Q: Is Wednesday night a full takoever. 

A: Yes, for the first time we have a full 4 night hotel takeover. The event on Wednesday starts with a 3pm afternoon pool party that  goes to 7pm. Then we move to the Damn Virgins stage located at the  hotel lounge bar until the ballroom opens at 10pm until 2am. It is the only night that the part stops at 2am as all other nights go past 3am. 

Q: Arriving at IAH airport. How do I contact the Doubletree van shuttle.

A: After exiting baggage call 281 848 4000 and let the hotel know which terminal you are in. Their vans are labeled Doubletree and some are also labeled Sheraton N. Houston. It's all the same so they will bring you to the hotel.

Q: Are there lockers at the hotel?

A: Great first time question. No, there are no lockers. Your hotel room is your locker. If you do not have a room at the Doubletree. You may bring a bag into the event. However event staff will search the bag for any alcohol related items. You may also leave the bag with hotel staff who will secure it for you in their storage area. 

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