<< DP Parties - Purgatory Heaven & Hell® 2024

Purgatory Heaven & Hell® 2024 Purgatory 2024 Themes

Mar 8, 2024 12:29 PM (4+ Months)

Themes are in day order.....

Daytime Themes

  • Wednesday Daytime- Red, White, Blue and You.. hats, shirts, swimsuits
  • Thursday Daytime- Represent the state you are from, your favorite team, or whatever you wish to represent, i.e... hats, shirts, bikinis, etc...get creative
  • Friday Daytime- Lei - Hawaiian theme with bright floral prints. Bring extra lei and pass them out to other individuals you wish to mix and mingle with. Great ice breaker.
  • Saturday Daytime- Space.....Nasa......Astro Kitties......Space Goddesses.......Space Cowboys.......get creative

Night Time Themes

  • Wednesday Night- Heavenly White (glow)- an all-white affair or if you wish...a Glow Party- just glow and pick all neon fashions and accessories.
  • Thursday Night- Eden - Where it all begins......Eden is a pristine paradise filled not only with beautiful creatures and people but also with that luscious, forbidden apple. Yet there is a dark, sultry, sinful side of Eden tempting us to take just...one...bite. So, which side of the apple tree do you swing on? Bring those innocent nymph hearts or naughty desires to Purgatory's paradise of Eden. Those juicy apples are waiting to be bitten. Get creative with the exploration of Eden with provocative costumes
  • Friday Night- Electric Inferno- a Netherworld of Self Expression- electric steampunk meets desert glow, a night of uniquely different attire, sultry and scant, think Mad Max Thunderdome and let your imagination run with it......
  •  Saturday Night- Purgatory Heaven or Hell- a night of angels, devils, fairies, nymphs, goddesses, butterflies, and anything else you would find in Purgatory. Let your imagination go wild with creativity. Who or what will you be in Purgatory? Purgatory is the middle ground where everything exists. Angels, fairies, nymphs, butterflies, demons, space cowboys, sexy rocker chicks, etc., Purgatory is your vision..................

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