You will also find that a lot of couples list vanilla as its a safe descriptor yet they are on a total different playing field. They just like to pick and choose, bounce around if you will and just leave vanilla as their descriptor. Some people will list people as vanilla in the real world. Meaning that they would look at this site or other such sites with a negative attitude. I could go on and on about those types with my own opinion but I will stop there. Just know that is not the meaning of vanilla on this site. As we have no negative tones about the descriptor. | The vanilla level is for couples new to the scene. They could be interested, new and not on any level other than being there for each other. They might just like the energy of the events but not interested in any other couples or singles. You will also find couples that are new but interested in another couple and or single but not yet sure just how to go about it. So they are taking their time and getting familiar.