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Websites New Changes and Updates for the DesirousParty.com Site.

Dec 17, 2018 4:42 PM (5+ Years)

New connection RSVP rating system. Your, To Do list, or just a nice way to organize your rsvp list on a event.  When you rsvp to a event on the DesirousParty site. You will have the option to see and rate everyone who has rsvped to that event. 

  • Thumbs Down- No interest and moves rsvp to bottom on your list (this will be a permanent ranking on that member on all you rsvp lists) Only you know how you rank other members as no messages are sent.
  •   Thumbs Up- You have a interest, think they are HOT and might want to explore a connection later (again a permanent ranking just like thumbs down) Only you know how you rank them. 
  • Cheers- You wish to send them a insta message to let them know your interest in meeting at the event to say hi and see perhaps there might be a mutual interest. Change your mind on your rating. Just unclick it.  Cheers insta message can only be sent once every 30 days. That way we do not spam others.  This is basically a, To Do, that you can organize on all events that you rsvp to. Again other members have no clue how you rate them unless you decide to send them a insta connect Cheers message. 
Sep 21, 2018 11:12 AM (5+ Years)

Mobile users we have added the Booty Call icon at the bottom right hand side of your screen. You can access it by clicking the icon and it will take you through the activation same as a desk top user. For more information please read the previous post. 

Sep 20, 2018 8:43 PM (5+ Years)

The new Booty Call feature is now Live on the site. On how it work? Please read previous forum post. 

Sep 20, 2018 4:03 PM (5+ Years)

For our members- As mentioned in the previous forum post. We are implementing the new Booty Call feature. Many of you have already noticed the icon besides your profile name under Members Online. How this works? (Please note that this feature is not active yet. Only the icon is appearing as of yet.)

  • Only you the member can see your booty call feature icon besides your profile name when you are online. It is not visible to any other member unless you select to turn it on. If you turn it on, you will have the option for how long it will appear. Also when turned on, a icon will appear to the left of your profile name under Members Online. This will then be visible to other members for however long of a time you selet. It lets other members know you are interested to meet other for whatever level of fun you choose. 
  • If you turning on the feature coincides with a event that you have rsvped to. In the rsvp list a icon will appear next to your profile feature. It will let others know who are attending the event that you are ready to mix n mingle and perhaps be interested in taking it a step further to whatever that desire is. 
  • We are for the time being leaving the current Booty Call feature which can be found in the members newsfeed page. These two Booty Calls will work independant of each other. As the original feature  will not activate icons on your members online page nor the rsvp page. Many do not see the original Booty Call feature so this new one will be more visible. It gives you two options and you can utilize both if you wish. 

Once this feature is finished we will start working on the second phase. Which when rsvping for an event, you will be able to see which members have shown a connection to you as having rated your photos 5 or more times. There will be a special icon for this. Then the booty call feature will also be visible for the members who activated it. So if you see your icon and that member has also activated their booty call icon and you are at the same party. Then perhaps you might want to make a connection as the event and say Hi. A ice breaker if you will. As so many new members and guests at the events and we are trying to implement features to help others break the ice, mix n mingle and have a little adult if they so desire. 

Aug 20, 2018 2:57 PM (5+ Years)

We are starting to work on two new features for members. One is a new Booty Call feature. This will be a new feature that members can turn on and off and set a time limit for. Upon turning it on this would put a special icon on your members online profile name. This would let other members know you are interested in meeting that day, night etc...We would also code it that if you rsvped for a particular event it would put a icon on your rsvp avator as well. So other members know you are out looking to play that evening at the event. 

In conjunction with that feature. We are working on a separate icon that would let you know any members who had rated your photos HOT 5 or more times. It lets you know who has a interest in you. So if you saw a Heart icon with a Booty Call Icon on the members online section or on the rsvps section. Then you know you just might have a connection to explore. 

We are hoping that this will help member  interaction. As we are getting a lot of new members to the site. The hope that these new features will be ice breakers so connections can be made. 

Jul 18, 2018 5:32 PM (6+ Years)

Over the next two weeks we will start working on the members newsfeed page and how it looks and is navigated on members mobile devices. We are going to put the Whose Hot, Members Map, New Members, Event RSVP's, etc... behind tabs. That way it streamlines your mobile view of the site and you can click in and out of what you wish to view. We are also working on putting a Email icon beside each member who is currently online. That way you can quickly email a member while on your moblie device without having to navigate to their profile to do it. Plus we are working on a few additional features as well to enhance your navigation of the site. 

As always if you have any questions and or suggestions post them here and we will look at integrating them into the site if feasible. 

Dec 7, 2017 1:36 PM (6+ Years)

We are now working on adding emojis to the comment box on your newsfeed. So you can rate as HOT, leave a comment or toggle a emoji to let the member know your thoughts. 

We are also restructuring your members profile page. You will be able to select a photo to be your highlite photo on your profile. The photo can be separate from your main avator for the site. The design and flow of your profile page will also change enabling it to be browsed more easily. 

For 2018 we are moving toward adding member videos to the site. These will be listed as private so members can choose who can see them. The same method as your private photos. 

As always we are looking at ways to improve the site and the member experience. Thanks for being a part of the DesirousParty.com site. 

Oct 10, 2017 7:15 PM (6+ Years)

We continue to add new features to the members side of the site. Just added to the members newsfeed page is a members map. This map shows all members who reside close to you. You can click on a circle and it will display the member names. This feature along with the other new features can be removed from your newsfeed for 24 hours by clicking the X if you do not wish to see them. 

After the new map feature is complete we will look to add emojis to the members newsfeed comments section. Then we will move to the members profile section and revise it with a fresh modern look. Giving it a better display and more useability. 

Lastly we will work on the main landing page of the site. This is where visitors land and or members who need to log into the site. We are revising this entire page giving it a fresh new look. Visitors will also have a map feature that will display members who live near them. However they will only see the circles and it will not display any member names or profiles. Only a ratio of members in their area.  So member privacy is kept at a high regard. 

Once all of these features are completed we will consider further upgrades to the site. 

Sep 21, 2017 1:22 PM (6+ Years)

Lots of changes to the members newsfeed page. Please empty your cache and refresh your page to see all the new upgrades and amenities. Still not done as bringing several more new features to the members. We are currently working on a map for the members side which will show you the closest 10-20 members close to you so you can browse their profiles more easily. We are also going to bring emojis to the reply box so you can add that to your reply arsenol.

What have we added so far?

  • Official Dp events are now on display on the members newsfeed page
  • Most recent 4 new validations on the site.
  • Top 5 most recent event photo galleries
  • Community Stats
  • Hot Photo Contest
  • Forum
  • Newest Member photo uploads
  • Member Event Rsvps
  • Booty Calls
  • Newest Members

Some of these features were added in the past but we have realligned them for better viewing on mobile devices. Your event pages are not displayed different on mobile. Where all info is now under tabs so you can click and choose what you want to see faster. 

After the new maps feature is added we will work on emojis and then the members profile page to bring to it a fresh new look. 

So remember to empty your devices cache and refresh the page for the new look. 

Aug 22, 2017 10:44 PM (6+ Years)

In the coming week to two weeks you will start to see new changes roll out on the site. With the existence of bigger phone screens and higher resolution laptop, desk top computers. We are going to expand the pixels of the site. Meaning that the visitors home page, members home page, newsfeed and several other pages will be enhanced/expanded. Which will allow us to display and add more content to the pages. 

We will also be striving to enhance the mobile features of the site. One goal is to change the event/party info pages. Giving you button tabs to open the areas you wish to get details on. Instead of scrolling downward to see the details. 

Members we will also look at adding emojis to the newsfeed for your comments. These are just a few of the improvements that you will see rolling in the very near future. 

Jul 31, 2017 10:00 PM (6+ Years)
Aug 4, 2014 4:18 PM

A year ago after listening to many of our members. We re-introduced a brand new version of DesirousParty.com that gave our members a greater sense of privacy, discretion and usability. Over the last year we have continued to introduce new features on the members side of the site and  tweaked our requirements for new members to join as we strived to insure that only real couples and single females joined the site.

Members continued to ask the ever present question, when is the site going paid? As many feel that a paid site helps eliminate fake profiles that so many sites have. We have been a free site for 10 years but it has gotten to the point with adding new features , hosting, paying for the creation of the new site and the expense of continuing to upgrade the site to bring new features.  Well its gotten quite expensive. We debated this over the last few years. As we want to take the site to the next level and that is building a select private site for our members from across the globe. A site where you can be as private as you wish to be or as wild and have the ability to meet like minded people.  Going to a paid site will help eliminate  potential fake profiles  and profiles that have not been active on the site for a long period of time. We would rather have a few hundred profiles active on the site as that makes it much more interesting for active members and they will help spread word of mouth about the site.  As our motto has always been quality over quantity. We do not strive to be the biggest site out there as we eliminate single males from joining which makes up a large nucleus of many sites. We strive to just have a unique, quality and very sexy membership base and at the end of the day we are very happy with that.

Along with the many new features we have introduced recently. We are releasing several new features that not only will continue to add to the privacy and discretion of our members but will also get them more involved.  

Updates-New Features:

1. All members in good standing will have the ability to create and host house parties. You can choose to invite all those that follow you and or  only select certain members who follow you. Only those you invite will see the event invite on the parties page tab located on the top menu bar. You create house parties by going to the left side of your screen under My Account and click on Events.  You will have the ability to send out a invite email to those who you invite or all who follow you regarding the house party.  This stops spamming of house events to other members who do not follow you.

2. We are inviting certain brick n mortar clubs to join the site. They will have the ability to create events that will be visible to all members/visitors on the parties tab section.  The venues will only be able to email  updates on their events to those who follow them. Therefore we control the amount of spam on the site which is always of utmost importance to us. So if you do not wish to get their emails do not follow them.  The brick n mortar clubs events will be visible to members and non members in the parties page located in the top menu bar.

3. We will also allow certain LS promoters to come onto the site. They will follow the same rules as a house event. Only members seeing their events or receiving their emails will be those that follow them. Non members will not see these events.

4. The main members page of DesirousParty.com will only display events that Dp is hosting/sponsoring. Meaning your hosts are organizing these events and will be the same quality events you have grown accustomed to over the years. We feel this is important to our members and party guests and keeps the main page uncluttered. 

5. Photos galleries starting with all galleries for 2014 will be viewable to members only. We will eventually convert the last few years as well. Non members will only be able to view photos that show the event, dj's, set up etc.... all other photos will be on the members side only. This will give our members/guests utmost privacy and discretion. Plus we can raise the bar on the sexiness of the photos as only members will see them. Yes we will continue to blur your faces.

6. We are uploading software where members can watermark their photos with their profile name if they so choose. This will go through the middle of the photos which helps eliminate copying of photos and aids to our members security and privacy. We also giving members the option to also watermark the Dp logo onto their photos as well.

Membership Fees:

Like our events we strived to give our member the best cost that we could with processing charges etc.. But as you can tell what it cost to be a member of the site is what most would pay for a  mixed drink at many upscale clubs.  So we feel it gives the members a good quality site for a reasonable low cost. Plus this will enable us to bring some new features to the site in the future that was not financially feasible in the past.

Members in good standing will also get several free events over the course of the year. Which will help offset the cost of a membership on the site. These will be listed on the site and if it's a free event for members it will be displayed such in the cover charge section.

Lifetime Memberships- $99 (available thru August 25th). The lifetime membership is valid for the life of the site or as long as your profile stays current and in good standing. If you delete your membership, violate member rules and get removed from the site etc.. then the lifetime membership is no longer valid. Please see the Terms of Use section of the site for more information regarding this. Located at the bottom of the page. 

Monthly Membership- $13.50- good for 30 days

We also will have 3 month, 6 month memberships and the yearly membership will be $99 once the lifetime memberships are sold out.

We hope that our current membership understands the necessity to go to a paid site. Not only will it insure a more quality, private and discrete membership society. It will also give us the ability to improve and bring to you new features as well as help us continue to improve the events we host throughout the year as well. So thank you to everyone who has supported the site over the past 10 years and we look forward to a even greater future of the site as we make these changes.



Jun 13, 2017 10:02 PM (7+ Years)

We have rolled out a member "block" feature. Basically if you block a member they will not be able to see that you exist on the site. You can choose to block or unblock them. This affects newsfeed, rsvps, emails, member search etc.....

Jun 11, 2017 11:09 AM (7+ Years)

We are in the process of codeing in a Block feature. This would stop the certain member from emailing you, viewing your profile and also seeing your photos in their newsfeed section. We encourage member interaction to the max but we also understand that this feature is sometimes necessary as well. 

Mar 27, 2017 8:22 PM (7+ Years)

We made a change to the members photo gallery. When your looking at a members photo gallery and you are on a mobile device or touch screen computer. You can now  swipe left or right to look at more photos. We also were having trouble on some mobile devices with sizing the pictures correctly on your device and we believe that we also fixed that issue.   

Jan 2, 2017 2:27 PM (7+ Years)

For those that use your mobile device to log into the site. We have created a new mobile version with easier navigation with more browsing features. We also added more features to the members directory for searching. Just click on directory and then click advanced. We suggest you clear your memory cache on your device to see all the new mobile features.

Dec 15, 2016 5:39 PM (7+ Years)

We are in the process of updating the mobile version of the site to make it more user friendly. In the next few days the colored tool bar containing Share, Stats, search will be positioned at the bottom of your device for easier navigation. We have also enhanced the search directory field where you can now search by zip code and miles from zip code. Just clicked the advance search feature in that field. If your mobile device is not showing you the current updated mobile version. Please empty your cache and refresh the screen. More changes and upgrades coming throughout the holidays.

Oct 24, 2016 7:33 PM (7+ Years)

We just structered the members mail where it will work better with Apple mobile devices. Some devices were not letting you type in the message box or sending it correctly. So we believe that is now fixed. If you have any issues please let us know. 

Oct 19, 2016 1:52 PM (7+ Years)

We have restructured and recoded the chat feature of the website. Many security setting in different browsers, both computer and mobile devices were preventing the chat box from opening or allowing you to respond correctly to chat requests. We have fixed these issues and have tested on different browsers. Also if you miss a chat request and do not respond, yes no to the chat request then you will receive a Missed Chat Request in your email. We believe this will work with Apple IOS browsers as well correctly. However we do not have a Apple device so please if you do have one be sure to let us know if its not working. Lastly please dump your cache, memory, so your browser will refresh to the new chat feature. If you have any problems please email us on the site.

We are also starting to work on a video chat feature. This will take quite a bit of codeing so we are a few weeks off. But this will be a great feature that can be used to break the ice between new couples, establish that who you are emailing is the same person you see on video chat, help out of town/state couples mix n mingle ahead  of time before traveling for Dp events etc.... it will be very a cool feature of the site and something we are exicited about bringing to the members. 



Sep 8, 2016 6:35 PM (7+ Years)

Remove all photos and this will put it into a pending status. We will then delete the profile from the site.

Jul 24, 2016 6:51 PM (8+ Years)

August marks 12th birthday of DesirousParty.com In honor of this milestone we are offering Lifestime VIP memberships through the end of August. These are only offiered once or twice a year. If you desire to purchase one please go to your Subscription section of your profile. If you have any questions you may write, info@desirousparty.com

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