Dec 18, 2021 11:10 AM (3+ Years) Eve of Eve: Timeline- Dec. 30th
- 2:00 pm- Hotel Check In for Eve of Eve Reservations
- 6:30 pm- 8pm- Lifestyle Speed Date - an awesome no pressure way to meet everyone and try something new and fun! -Pasadena Room- near the Rendezvous Atrium Bar Area-opposite end from elevators
- 8:00 pm- Pick up NYE Weekend Wristbands: Rendezvous Atrium Bar Area.
- 8:00 pm- Rendezvous Atrium Bar Opens
- 9:00 pm- Revolution Grand Ballroom Opens
- 9:00 pm to 10:30pm- Brookie
- 930pm-1015pm- Cirque Style Entertainment Show- Revolution Grand Ballroom
- 10:30 pm to Midnight- Numolos
- Midnight to 2am- ScottyBoy
Dec. 31st- Revolution NYE Houston:
- 2 pm- Hotel Check In for New Year's Eve Guests
- 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm- Meet n Greet Mixer: Rendezvous Atrium Bar Area- design your champagne flute with us! We're bringing the champagne flutes and markers, you design and have a memory from this awesome party!!
- - 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm- NYE Dinner Reservations: See Menu on the site in the event forum.- Pasadena Room
- - 8:30 pm- Rendezvous Atrium Bar Opens
- 9 pm to 2:00 am- NYE Photo Booths: Rendezvous Atrium Area
- - 9:00 pm to 2:00 am- Revolution Grand Ballroom Opens
- - 9:00 pm to 11:15 pm- ScottyBoy
- - 9:30 pm to 12:45 am- Speakeasy Atrium Casino Opens
- - 11:15 pm to 2:00 am- Kyd Wicked
- - Midnight- Complimentary Champagne Toast
- - 1:00 am- Speakeasy Casino Prize Raffle for Our Winners
Nov 29, 2021 7:43 PM (3+ Years) Itinerary Update.......
December 30th- Eve of Eve- Reflections
- 6:30pm-8pm- Dating Game Mixer at Rendezvous Atrium Bar- sign up for a couples one on one speed dating- its a couples mixer with a dating speed game aspect. Great way to meet others and break the ice. Sign up at 6:30 to 7pm and we start at 7pm.
December 31st- NYE- Revolution Houston
- 5:30pm- Rendezvous Atrium Bar area- Mix, Mingle and decorate your champagne flutes for midnight. We provide the chamgpagne flutes and the decorating items.
Nov 28, 2021 3:10 PM (3+ Years) Dj Omaar has been added to the NYE lineup. He will be behind the music for the Rendezvous Atrium party. The location for the casino games, Rendezvous bar and photo booths.
We have also released single event tickets for the Eve of Eve Reflections party on December 30th.
We have approximately 110 left on each night before the host hotel is sold out.
Sep 15, 2021 10:26 AM (3+ Years) New Year’s Eve Soiree
You say you want a revolution? Your wish is our command. presents “Revolution Houston 2022”. Join the hottest couples and single females in the lifestyle to revolt against 2021 and ring in 2022 in seductive style. Swing down to Houston for two tantalizing nights of partying at the Marriott South Hotel- Hobby Airport. “Eve of Eve” launches the lustful festivities with Reflection Desirous on Wednesday, December 30th & “Revolution 2022” continues the celebration on New Year’s Eve to bring 2021 to a pulsing, climactic end.
Ladies…adorn your sexy bodies in your most revolutionary attire. This is the event for that outfit or outfits that you werent sure where to wear but you bought it anyways. Risque, sheer, elegant, body hugging, long, short, low cut, backless, lacy, sequins; the fashion possibilities are limitless. Costume changes to indulge your erotic fantasies are encouraged.
Event tickets include internationally known DJ’s spinning electrifying music, casino games, complimentary NYE midnight champagne toast, and multiple bar areas throughout the venue. An extensive group block of hotel rooms is available for DesirousParty guests on December 30th followed by a complete hotel takeover of all rooms on New Year’s Eve for uninhibited partying. The Marriott South hotel link can be found in the pre-sale section of the event information.
For 18 years, DesirousParty has been the revolutionary host for the wildest New Year’s Eve party in Texas catering to uninhibited adult couples & single females in the Lifestyle.
Indulge yourself in “Revolution Houston 2022” for a mind-blowing welcome to the New Year.
Event Highlights:
- • December 30th and 31st, 2020 at the Houston Marriott South Hotel conveniently located near Hobby Airport
- Breakfast is included with your room reservation.
- • 4 star rated upscale hotel with renovated, spacious rooms
- A 11 story grand atrium with all rooms surrounding it accompanied by casino games, photo booths and a dj will be the focal point on New Years Eve.
- A 11k sq ft Grand Ballroom with dance floor and state of the art light sound show
- Group block of hotel rooms available for Eve of Eve guests on December 30th
- Total hotel takeover of all guest rooms on New Year’s Eve • Multiple bar areas for both nights of the event
- The Restaurant Within the Hotel Will Offer a Special NYE Dinner. Menu TBA- ala carte
- Glitz, glam, and wild imaginations come together to celebrate the new year with erotic sophistication
- Nationwide guest list exclusively for open minded couples and single females in the Lifestyle. Gentlemen must be in the company of a lady to attend
- Discounted pre-sale tickets available for purchase through Event tickets also available for purchase at the door
Reflections- Eve of Eve: Timeline- Dec. 30th
- 2:00 pm- Hotel Check In for Eve of Eve Reservations
- 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm- Pre-Party Mixer: Hosted by DesirousParty Vacations
- 8:00 pm- Pick up NYE Weekend Wristbands: Speakeasy Atrium Bar Area.
- 8:00 pm- Rendezvous Atrium Bar Opens
- 9:00 pm- Revolution Grand Ballroom Opens
- 9:00 pm to 10:30pm- Brookie
- 10:30 pm to Midnight- Numolos
- Midnight to 2am- ScottyBoy
Revolution NYE Houston:
- 2:30 pm- Hotel Check In for New Year's Eve Guests
- 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm- Meet n Greet Mixer: Revolution Grand Ballroom- Hosted by the Craziers FB Group
- - 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm- NYE Dinner Reservations: More Information T.B.A.
- - 8:30 pm- Rendezvous Atrium Bar Opens
- - 8:30 pm to 2:00 am- NYE Mirror Photo Booth: SpeakEasy Atrium Area
- - 9:00 pm to 2:00 am- Revolution Grand Ballroom Opens
- - 9:00 pm to 11:30 pm- ScottyBoy
- - 9:30 pm to 12:45 am- Speakeasy Atrium Casino Opens
- - 11:30 pm to 2:00 am- Kyd Wicked
- - Midnight- Complimentary Champagne Toast
- - 1:00 am- Speakeasy Casino Prize Raffle for Our Winners