Purgatory 2018 was another event for the record books. Largest summer hotel block to date with over 260 rooms booked, hotel sold out and over 900 people attended the festivities over the weekend. This year we continued to add to the party vibe by starting Thursday night off with a night time pool party. 2017 was our first ever Thursday night event for Purgatory weekend and 2018 picked up where 2017 left off. Uber sexy guest list from across the nation, Canada and South America this year. We brought in dj's from all across the country with many behind the decks for the first time for DesirousParty.com. The parties started on Thursday mid day and rumor has it they went to sunrise on Sunday with all the after parties. It was defnitely three nights and days of infamous parties. Huge thanks to Dylan Duval and ShutterShock photography, TexCali Video Production, Profound Music Productions and Essential Sound Productions for helping your Dp hosts produce this epic party weekend. We set the bar high each year and 2018 exceeded everything that we hoped for. 2019 brings a new year and a new hotel venue as we move to the Sheraton N. Houston. Enjoy the party photos, be sure ot check our the Purgatory 2018 highlight video and we hope to see you in 2019.
DesirousParty.com- "Catering to the New Lifestyle"