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Groove Cruise Groove Cruise Miami 2024- 20th Anniversary

Jan 15, 2024 9:38 PM (6+ Months)

DirtyVibes.com is hosting two stages on Groove Cruise 2024. Plus you can now book GC 2025 by logging onto GrooveCruise.com  and using promo code, DesirousParty, to save up to $200 off your cabin reservation. 

Meanwhile, if you are on GC 2024 next week. Join us at our two hosted stages. Get a chance to get up and close to ScottyBoy, Lizzie Curious, Brookie, Bryan Lubliner, and many more of our DJ framily. 

Feb 9, 2023 8:52 PM (1+ Years)

Huge thanks to everyone responding to this awesome promo deal. We already have 13 bookings and this puts us closer to doing another Dirty Vibes party stage on Groove Cruise Miami 2024. Thank you to everyone spreading the word. 

Feb 1, 2023 7:24 PM (1+ Years)

I have a great promo booking special concerning Groove Cruise Miami 2024. FREE Purgatory 2024 event tickets. The goal is to have another Dirty Vibes party stage in 2024 on board. You can help us and we all win. So please spread the word. see below...

It's pretty simple. Book the 20th anniversary GC Miami 2024 by using promo code, desirousparty, to save $50 off per person (up to $200 a cabin). Log onto www.GrooveCruise.com and use, desirousparty, as your promo booking code to book your cabin. You may also call 877-438-9438 to book with Whet Travel and desirousparty promo code will also work as well.

  • Get FREE Purgatory 2023 party tickets. Just email us with your GC booking confirmation. GC will confirm you used the desirousparty promo code and you are put on the tickets list. (free tickets are non transferrable)

  • Plus book the cruise, email info@desirousparty.com with your booking confirmation. Receive a free year membership on DesirousParty.com. All you have to do is create your profile and we will upgrade it to a free year. It's that easy.

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