20th Annual Halloween Erotica Ball Video 67 Lifestyle Couples Parties and Resorts

The 20th annual Halloween Erotica Ball was one for the record books. It has been an amazing 20 years and this year we set an attendance record of more than 1500 people.  Guests from all over the nation unleashed their carnal cravings at the Halloween Erotica party at the DoubleTree IAH which again was a total weekend takeover. With two nights of parties, the first night kicked off the 2nd annual theme, FreakShow.  This complete Houston hotel takeover always lures in the sexiest crowd from across the U.S., Guests can always expect a night of costumed Halloween erotica and stimulating adult fun where you can leave your inhibitions at the door. A huge thank you to everyone who has made this The Lifestyle Halloween party to attend in the nation.  A big thanks to Groove Cruise for joining us for the 20th annual Halloween Erotica Ball.  TexCali Studios captured and created an amazing video. See you in 2024 at the 21st Halloween Erotica Ball.  Lifestyle Couples Parties and Resorts Video

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